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Boillies> 5kg > 49.99 euros>>Pop ups & Dips > 9.99 euros each

Boillies> 5kg > 49.99 euros>>Pop ups & Dips > 9.99 euros each

The Trigger: Is a boilie loaded with natural extracts, water dissolvable proteins and is easily digestible for the carp. Mixed Nuts Full of natural ingredients contains water-soluble proteins easily digestible for carp. High quality blend of milk protein powder, ground tiger, peanut & brazil nuts for special texture & taste.

Partymix & Tigernuts 14.99 Euros. Hemp 15.99 Euros

Partymix & Tigernuts 14.99 Euros. Hemp 15.99 Euros

Prepared particle Range: Mixed particles: Hempseed: 15.99 Euros Tigernuts: 3 litre tubs

Pop ups >> 9.99 Euros

Pop ups >> 9.99 Euros

Mixed size pop-ups to match the boilie range

Pop-Ups >> 8.99 Euro's

Pop-Ups >> 8.99 Euro's

Two-tone neutral base pop-ups for fishing over any flavour boilie

Flavored Dips >> 9.99 Euro's

Flavored Dips >> 9.99 Euro's

Dips to match the boilie range

maize in bucket

maize in bucket

5 litre prepared maize. 10 Euro's


Carp Pellet      5kg    >> 20 Euro's

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